Wild Horizon Gear - Premium Outdoor Clothing, Gear & Essentials
Wild Horizon Gear - Premium Outdoor Clothing, Gear & Essentials Wild Horizon Gear - Premium Outdoor Clothing, Gear & Essentials
Home Backpacking Gear Compression Bags
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If you need to haul a couple of pairs of skis, look no further than the Rossignol Hero 2-3 Pair ski bag. This cavernous bag is capable of holding two or three pairs of skis at the same time. They can go up to 220 cm, so if you’re a downhill racer, you should be all set. Whether you’re traveling for competition or recreation purposes, you can’t do much better than this bag. The highly resistant lining is perfect for standing up to the heavy weight and tough use that ski travel entails. From the plane to the train and the bus to the hill, your gear goes through a lot of different stops on the way to the snow. That’s all part of the fun when you’re traveling with skis, but you’ll feel a lot more secure if you’re super-important gear is in the proper vessel. Whether you’re taking the shuttle busses of North America or riding the ski trains of Europe, having all of your skis in one bag for the duration of the trip is super useful. Made with rugged 600D Polyester and PVC coating, this bag is built to stand the tests of use that only actual long days of travel can create. The full-length zipper is perfect for when you need to get your longest skis in the bag, and the adjustable shoulder straps make carrying the bag as easy as possible. At the ends of the bag, the compression straps work hard to keep your skis snug and safe.

2021 Rossignol Hero 2-3 pair Adjustable 190-220cm Ski Bag

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$ 90.00

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